Friday 22 May 2015

Paper Airplanes

Guess what? During choice literacy time some of our boys secretly wrote a book together about paper airplanes. Are you interested in learning about paper airplanes? If so check out this book!

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Guess the Rule

In math we have been looking at 2D shapes and 3D solids. We have been sorting our shapes by attributes.  Can you guess some of the sorting rules that could go with these two shape sorts?

Solids Sort 1

Solids Sort Two
Can you guess our rule(s)?

Monday 18 May 2015

Student Led Conferences

Early last week we met as a class to discuss what we wanted to share with our families later that week.  Ms. L listened to our requests and took notes eventually sorting our requests into things around our classroom and things on our iPads.  We then invited our families in for Friday afternoon.

Friday before our families came we pretended to be a "parent" for a classmate to let our classmates practice the process of sharing their work.  Here are some photos of us practicing.

Finally the time came for our parents to arrive and we began showing them what we've learned.

Our parents and younger brothers and sisters were pretty proud of what we had to show them.  We surprised many of them as well with how much we have learned this year.

Have you ever held student-led conferences?

Hey Little Ant

A few weeks back Ms. L read us the story Hey Little Ant by Phillip and Hannah Hoose.  At the end of the story, we had to decide if the ant should live or if they boy should squish him.  We had to give two reasons why.  Here are some of our responses.  If you're never read the book we think you should too, then tell us what you think the boy should do.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Jobs in Our Community

We have been working hard to co create a book about jobs in our community. The book is finally ready! Enjoy...

Saturday 9 May 2015

Creating with Straws and Connectors

This week some of us got together to create with our straws and connectors. This is what we created...

What have you created with straws and connectors?

Sunday 3 May 2015

Blogging Advice Needed!

Ms. Lirenman received a voice message on our blog from Ms. Adams. She is a teacher in Vancouver. She is wondering if we can help her out with a little advice about blogging.  Take a listen.

Data Collection with Twitter

This past week we have been creating surveys and asking our friends to respond to them.  On Wednesday, we decided we'd ask our questions to a larger audience. We tweeted our questions to the twitter hashtag #div18data.  We made up that hashtag. We are thankful so many people took the time to read and respond to our questions. Now we need to analyse our data. Here are some photos of us looking at some of the responses.