Friday 10 June 2016


On Monday this week we went swimming at a local pool.  In order to be able to swim in the deeper water we had to pass a swimming test.  Some of us did, and many of us didn't. It didn't matter though because we all had lots of fun in the water.  When we were done at the pool we spent a bit of time at the playground too.  It was a really great way to spend the morning.

Games Day!

On Friday we don't normally come to school but this Friday some of us did to take part in Games Day.  Here are some of the activities we did.

Learning About Georgia O'Keefe

This week we also learned about Georgia O'Keefe.  We were shown many of her painting and in the end we painted a cloud like one using two colours.

Learning About Henri Matisse

This week we also learned about Henri Matisse.  This classmate brought in fruit, a basket, and a fancy table cloth that we painted. Take a look.

Learning About Salvador Dali

This week two of our classmates taught as about Salvador Dali.  The first one showed us many pictures and then we had to draw and paint like him.  We painted a fireplace with a train floating from it.

The second student, later in the week, taught us some other interesting facts about Salvador Dali and then we used chalk pastels to create a funny face.  Unfortunately Ms. Lirenman didn't get many pictures of us working on this special art.

Water Balloon Drop

This past weekend we were challenged to create something that would hold a water balloon and protect the water balloon from breaking when dropped.

Take a look...

Harvesting Potatoes!

This week we harvested our potatoes. Take a look!