"Childhood is not a race to see how quickly a child can read, write and count. It is a small window of time to learn and develop at the pace that is right for each individual child. Earlier is not better" Magda Gerber
This week our class and Mrs. Heacock's class worked together to plant potatoes. We are quite curious as to how long they will take to grow and how many potatoes we may get. Ms. Lirenman was telling us that last year her class harvested over 200 potatoes. Do you have a prediction on how many we may harvest this year?
This week we were inspired by Caine and the arcade games that he created out of cardboard. For home learning, we created our own games and shared them with our classmates and friends. Here are some photos of our arcade games.
Last week we spent some time looking at and documenting the daffodils that we planted in front of the school. What changes do you see? What are you wondering?
This week we celebrate Pink Shirt Day. Not sure what Pink Shirt Day is all about? Check out this video.
We started our morning with an assembly to learn more about the story of Pink Shirt Day. In the middle of the assembly, there was a flash mob put on by four of the classes. They did a really great job and when they were finished the whole school was invited to join in.
This past Tuesday afternoon all the students at our school took part in an Olympic afternoon. As a class, we travelled around the school participating in different events. Here are some photos of some of our adventures.
Our kindergarten classmates have been working on positional language in math. To practice, we played a game where one person has to describe a shape so that the other person can build it. Here are some photos of us trying the game out.
As the Olympics were coming to a close Ms. Westaway's class wanted to learn a little bit more about the Olympic sports from us! Here are some photos of us sharing our knowledge with the older students from the grade 4-6 class.