Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Biome Projects

Before the winter break, we were very busy researching and creating Biome projects. Here are some photos of us sharing our projects with our little buddies. We enjoyed being the "experts".

Picture Book of the Day

When school began Ms. Lirenman began to share a picture book with us each day.  She called it "Picture Book of the Day".  Now that it's the new year we have taken over that job.  Here are some photos of us sharing our chosen books with our classmates.

Multiplication Games

In math, we have been working on our multiplication and division skills and strategies.  One way that we learn is by playing math games.  Here are a few photos of us playing one of those games.

Salmon Eggs Arrived!

Last week we had a visitor who brought us some special things.  OUR SALMON EGGS!  For the next few months we will be their adoptive parents.  We will be checking on them daily. We will also be tracking the temperature of the water to see how they are doing with their development.  Here are some photos from the day our salmon eggs arrived.