Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Salmon Update

Children, yesterday I was able to get into our classroom to check in on our Salmon.  You'll be happy to know that they are all doing well.  Right now under special circumstances, I am able to get into the school to check on their health and living conditions.  As long as this remains a possibility for me I am going to keep our friends safe in their tank to allow them to grow as big as they can and prolong their release into the wild.  Please know that our salmon get more love than most in the wild as we keep them in ideal living conditions.  Most salmon don't get this opportunity.  I will let you know when I'll be releasing them.

In the meantime, here are some photos I took yesterday during my visit.  They still are eating food that they have on themselves. If you look closely you might be able to see their little sacks. They have changed a lot since they first arrived in our classroom.

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