Wednesday 8 October 2014

Class Meeting

Today we had our first class meeting to talk about things that are going well for us and things we need to work on still.  Here are the positives we came up with about our class.

  • We are good at reading to our selves.
  • We have books that are fun to read.
  • We like to use Go Noodle.
  • We like to do math.
  • We are learning a lot of new things.
  • We have new friends.
  • We have iPads and they are fun.
  • We have kids that are nice.
  • We learn a lot from the teacher.
  • We have no litter on the playground.
  • The teacher is good.
  • We like to play with our friends.
  • We like the way our friends play with us every day.
  • We help each other at clean up time.
  • We like to play outside.
  • People play with us when we are alone.
  • We like to read with our friends.

  • What are some of the positives happening in your classroom?

    We also talked about some of our concerns and then came up with solutions to solve them.  Here's what we talked about.


    1. Planners -
      1. Get your planner
      2. Find the right place to write in your planner.
      3. Write your planner message
      4. Show your planner buddy
        1. Reyan - Diego
        2. Jayden - Jasmehar
        3. Amrit - Diego
        4. Ilene - Maya
        5. Sujot - Joban
        6. Tanvir- Aneesah
        7. Allison- Maya
        8. Danreet- Daniel
        9. Simar - Jaslehna
        10. Jasnoor - Joban
        11. Marvin- Daniel
        12. Hunevere - Karamvir
        13. Avneet - Avatar
      5. Put your planner back in your backpack.

    1. Cloak Room/Shoes
      1. Please keep it clean and tidy.

    2. Water Bottles
      1. Bring a water bottle to school.
        1. You can bring it to the carpet - you must have it with you.
        2. You can bring it with you around the room - you must have it with you.
        3. If it is not with you keep it on the bench by your backpack.

    1. Talking During Group Time

    We will work to be better listeners during this time.

    1. Quiet work Time

    We will work on doing our work quietly when quiet is required. It will help us get our work done and not distract those around us.

    Do you have concerns in your classroom? If so how do you solve them?

    Today was a very productive class meeting.

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