Wednesday 12 November 2014

Our Community

As part of our socials studies curriculum the grade two students in our class have been working on a mural of our community. Here is the finished product. Can you see where you live?


  1. Oh Yes, I can clearly see my home. All of you did an excellent job. I also see the Bell Performing Centre where your Xmas concerts are held and the gas station that I usually go to and many many more.
    Which is your favourite part of the community?
    From Jaslehna's mum.

  2. Avneet's favourite part of the community is our school. Jaslehna's favourite part of the community is her home. Ilene's favourite part of the community is our classroom. Danreet's favourite part of our community is the trees and the forest. Diego's favourite part of the community is his complex. Tanvir's favourite part of the community is the playground. As you can see we have many different favourite parts of our community but we all love our community.


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