Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Planting a Promise

This year we were invited to take part in a program called Planting a Promise which provided us with some daffodils to explore and plant.

First we did some wondering and came up with these wonders.

Then we took some time looking closely at some of our daffodil bulbs.  They looked kind of funny, but we learned about the different parts.

Next we opened one up and took a peek inside.

Then it was time to prepare the garden to plant.  We invited the Gr 4-7 SAIL class to join us as well. When we looked a bit closer to the area we wanted to plant we realized it needed a lot of TLC. We spent quite a few minutes trying to weed out the weeds and prepare the soil. We realized it would need more time.

We headed back into class and planted a few bulbs in pots in our classroom. We are curious if they will grow inside or if they will only grow outside.

The next week we got back to the garden, We continued to weed, and then we added more soil.

Finally, it was time to plant. With a lot of elbow grease, and patience as we took turns with the tools we had, we planted our daffodil bulbs. 

Now we wait, and watch and hopefully come spring we'll have some beautiful flowers to share with you.


  1. Dear Ms Lirenman
    Your students looked like they were very busy and looked like they put a lot of effort into planting their daffodil bulbs. I will be very anxious to see how they grow and how they will make that part of your school garden look. Please remember to share your story with me.....watch for some growth in late January or early February. I truly hope your bulbs like where you've planted them.
    best regards, Glenda Johnston, BC Agriculture in the Classroom

  2. Thank you for leaving us a comment and for giving us the bulbs to plant. We had lots of fun planting them and we are very excited to watch them grow.


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