Sunday, 5 May 2013

We Were On TV!

A few weeks back we were part of a CTV interview that was taking place in Ontario. How were we part of this interview when we live several provinces west? Simple, the interview was about using Skype in the classroom and Mrs. Harrison's kindergarten class was skyping US!  We've been eagerly waiting for it to appear on TV and this evening, in the Toronto area it did!  But since we don't live in the Toronto area we couldn't watch it on TV.  But CTV is awesome because they have put the clip on-line so we can ALL see it now.  If you're curious to see this interview please check out the link below.

It is so much fun learning with others, even if we need a computer to learn with them.


  1. That is fantastic. I watched the clip and saw Ms. Lirenman! How exciting for all of you. You truly are global learners. I am learning so much from you. The next step with my class is to start Skyping with another class. I might need some advice and I know where to look. Keep sharing with us!
    Mrs. Betts and the King Cobras

  2. Very cool division 18!!


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