Monday, 5 January 2015

Kinetic Sand

Over the break Ms. Lirenman picked up some Kinetic Sand for our class.  It's made of sand but it acts differently than sand.  When you play with it it stays together for a little while before breaking apart.

This morning some of us tried to make our word wall words with our Kinetic Sand.

This word says bug but you can see some of the spaces already filled in.

Have you ever worked with Kinetic Sand?

1 comment:

  1. We love our Kinetic sand! I think it's amazing and I couldn't wait to play with it. My 3 year old agrees that it's awesome. He likes to make all kinds of things with it. Volcanoes, castles, pies etc. It's fun to shape and watch it trickle apart. Really mesmerizing. I would NOT buy it on here.

    I've seen it go from $40-$50 for 2 lbs of sand!! Go to S&S worldwide and get it for $14.99 for 2.2lbs or $42.99 for 11 LBS OF SAND! Much better deal. FatBrain Toys also has good deals but they're always back-ordered on this sand. Check Retailmenot for coupon codes to get money off of your order. LOVE THIS SAND worth these prices... not this sellers price!! Ridiculous.

    10/28/14 UPDATE: The sand holds up wonderfully. It's still a favorite with my now 4 and 1 year old boys. We've added more sand to expand play options. Around the holidays we like to use cookie cutters, among other things! This sand is definitely a must-have if you're looking to change up sand play at your house. Kids are always mesmerized by the texture and move of it. Great product! I know Target now sells this (in regular and colored sand), along with other retailers. Not sure who has the best deal, so it's best to shop around.


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