Sunday, 18 January 2015

Playing with Measurement

This past week we started to play with measurement with four new math activities to explore.  Here's a little peek into what some of us have been up to.

1. Bigger or Smaller

These students are taking pictures of different parts of their body. They are uploading them to the Book Creator app where they are creating a book with sentences such as my eye is bigger than a baby's eye or My nose is smaller than an elephant's nose. Everything is being compared to either an elephant, or a baby.

Here are some blog posts showing their final product.

2.  Measurement Tools

This group is using the pic collage app to to search for various tools used for measurement. 

Here are a few samples.

3. Measuring with My Hand

This group just might be having the most fun. They have  traced and cut out two of their hands and are going on a measurement adventure measuring objects around the room. For the second part of this activity the children found objects bigger, smaller, and the same size as their hands. They will record this information in an iMovie.

Here are some of their final movies.

4. How Big is My Footstep?

This last group is trying to figure out how big their foot step is by measuring their step with a variety of different objects.  Some students also created an iMovie with the different things they measured their footstep with.

Here is a sample video.

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