Wednesday, 4 February 2015


We spent the afternoon exploring magnets inside and outside.  Here's our first padlet of what we knew and wondered.

Here is us exploring with our magnets.

Here's some of what we learned today.

Have you ever explored with magnets?


  1. I love magnets too.

    Do you know you can do magic tricks with magnet.
    The audience may see an object floating in the air, but in reality there may be a very strong magnet that it keeping it in the air.

    On a different note, I wish i had a magnet to pull my daughter out of bed in the mornings!
    Do you think it will work?

  2. Loved your use of Padlet in your innovative KWL to teach students about magnets. I can see that the students were thoroughly involved in the scientific discovery process. Photographing and posting in a blog is a fun way to document the activity. It is also a great way for parents to participate in their child's education. Have you had any problems with parents concerned about their child's photo being posted on the web? How do you approach this?

    1. Thank you for your kind comment. I have permission to post images on the blog. I am also careful to not post images of children with their first names. If I need to, I will blur faces or names (I use Skitch to do that) to keep their names away from their faces. When I have a parent who does not want their child's face on the blog we talk about what is okay - is work okay, or back of head, or face that's blurred out or whatever. I always keep the home/school communication open.


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