Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Reader's Theatre Long Distance Style

Before lunch today we took part in a reader's theater activity with Ms. DeGroot's class in Iowa.  Both classes learned all the parts of the play then we divided our classes into the parts and performed the play twice.  It was such a great way to learn

Have you ever done Reader's Theater with a far away class?


  1. Hi Ms. Lirenman's Class,

    We are a grade 2 class from Saskatoon. We're very curious which Reader's Theatre play your class performed? We LOVE to do reader's theatre. Have you ever tried doing two voice poems? They are also very fun!

    Miss Downey's Class

  2. Sadly, when I was in Elementary School, I had never done a Reader's Theater with a far away class.
    This is because we did not have all the devices and technology that you enjoy freely today.
    And No, I did not go to school in the dinosaur ages!!
    From Jaslehna's Mum


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