Saturday, 21 April 2012

Flat Classroom Project Update - Cooking with Urim's Mom

This past week Urim's mom made Korean GimBap with six of the students in our class.  For those that were able to make the GimBap it was a really great experience.  Urim's mom was super organized and a really good instructor.  Plus what we made tasted delicious too.  Thankfully everyone in the class had the option to try GimBap too.  Now we can't wait for our other families to come to cook with us.  As of right now we still have three more families coming in to cook with us over the next couple of weeks.  Ms. Lirenman also tells us not to worry because we will all cook at least once.

In the meantime here is a video of our cooking session.  Ms. Lirenman still needs to get the recipe from Urim's mom though so others that are interested (and perhaps those in our Flat Classroom project) can try to make it at home too.



  1. That looked very tasty! Thank you for sharing! We look forward to making it, too.

    Mrs. Kaput's class

  2. What a great experience cooking with Urim's mom! The kids looked like they ad a great time. I know that Trista did! She didn't stop talking about how much fun it was for days.

    Thank you very much to Urim's mom (and, of course, Ms. Lirenman).

    Trista's mom

  3. KinderPris says: We like your video! To us gimpab looks similar to sushi. We are lucky too because Jayson's mom is a really good Thai food chef.

  4. I love what you are doing and how you are looking about different kinds of foods. Your class has a great blog. My name is Vicki Davis and I'm a teacher in Camilla, Georgia and one of the co-founders of the Flat Classroom project. I just wanted you to know that I'm sharing this on my blog, Twitter, and pinterest board because I want people all over the world to know what you are doing. Great work, students (and parents) as you learn about the world and talk with the world. You Rock!

  5. Thank you for the comments. It was easy to make (Eric says) and it tasted good too (Huda says). Urim liked her mom teaching her friends how to make Korean food. This week Brooklyn's mom is teaching us how to make Philippino food.


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