Sunday, 9 September 2012

Quad Blogging Has Begun!

Even though our class is not officially set, our Quad Blogging rounds have now begun.  Quad Blogging involves connecting four classroom blogs together with a common purpose of visiting and commenting on each others blogs.  Each week we focus on one blog in particular and we visit it more than the other blogs. We will be receiving extra visitors at the beginning of October.  We will repeat the visiting process for as long as at works for us or until the term ends.

This week we will be visiting The Learning Hive, a class in New Zealand.  If you are reading this post please feel free to visit their blog too.  Maybe you can even leave them a comment? Ms. Lirenman is  certainly hoping that once our class is settled that we will be visiting them too, and leaving them some comments as well.

Looking forward to meeting my new class really soon.  Once we meet I will be able to set up the individual blogs.  There might even be some slight changes to this blog like.... our Division Number.  I don't think we will be Division 16 any more. Stay tuned!

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