Thursday 3 October 2013

Some One is Asking Us Questions....

We are involved with a lot of classes over the Global Read Aloud book Marty McGuire, and The Eric Carle Books.  After school today Ms. Lirenman received an e-mail from another class sharing a blog post that was written for us!  You can find it here.

Now we need to think about our answer and answer them back.  I wonder if we have any questions for them about Marty McGuire? Hmm..


  1. We met you on the google hangout yesterday. Has anyone in your class caught a frog before? Six of us have caught a frog and Max has touched a tadpole before.

  2. Some of us are still working on our planners so we don't have everyone answering right now but of the ten of us right now six of us have caught a frog before. Many have seen frogs before but we didn't touch them.


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