Saturday, 15 September 2012

Looking For Number Sets

This past week we've been looking at numbers and more specifically we've been looking at what a specific number of something can look like.  On Wednesday, Ms. Lirenman had us make groups of three.  She gave each group an iPod and assigned each group a number between 2 and 8.  She encouraged us to take photos of items we found around the classroom that represented that number.  Here are some of the pictures we took.  As you can tell by this movie some of us got quite creative with our picture taking.

Now, while Ms. Lirenman did put this movie together using iMovie on her iPad she assures us that it was really quite simple to do.  Apparently next time we do something like this we might be the ones making the movies.  We think that's pretty exciting.

Anyhow, have you ever gone on a scavenger hunt looking for specific number sets?  If you haven't you should give it a try.  We had a lot of fun doing it and along the way we discovered many things we have in our classroom that we didn't realize we had.


  1. Hi Division 18. I really like the photos that you took to show a number set. You were creative in the photos you took. I will have to show Room 12 your video. Mrs Robertson

    1. Hi Mrs Robertson, Ms. Lirenman tells us you live in New Zealand. We are going to check google earth to see how far away New Zealand is. Thanks for the comment on our blog. From Division 18

  2. Hi Class!

    This is Sarah's Auntie Michelle and I just wanted to let you know that I watched your class movie and was very impressed!

    1. Hi Sarah's Auntie Michelle, thanks for visiting our blog. Sarah is really happy you came to visit us. We hope you'll come again soon. From Sarah, and Division 18.


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