Friday, 28 September 2012

Our First Skype Call

This morning just as we got settled for the day we made a Skype call to Mrs. Cassidy's class in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.  As a class we have never skyped before so we weren't really sure what to expect. We knew who Mrs. Cassidy's class was because we have their blog on our blog and we often check what they are up to.  But we really didn't know how it would work.  While we were working on our writing Ms. Lirenman set up her computer and our projection device and signed into Skype.  Then she called us all over and we were ready for the call.

Boy was it ever cool!  We saw the kids in Mrs.Cassidy's class and they could see us.  They waved at us, and we waved back.  They were real kids a couple of provinces over and we were talking to them.  Wow!

Ms. Cassidy's class had a comment and two questions for us.  They thanked us for leaving comments on their blog and asked us about the languages we speak in our homes (we speak many but forgot to mention some of our language while we had them on the computer) and if (and how) we did the Terry Fox Run.  We were excited to share, and learn with them.  We were curious to know if they have iPads  and iPods in their classroom and what they were learning.  They said , "yes" to iPads but "no" to iPods and they told us they were learning about patterns in math.  We couldn't believe it because we are learning about patterns too.  Imagine that.  Even though we are so far away from them we are learning the same thing in math right now.  Wow again!

After the call was over we took a look at our Run Across Canada map and saw where Moose Jaw was in relation to where Surrey is.  Then we looked at google Earth to see where Moose Jaw was.  While we were talking to them we told them a little bit about our Run Across Canada.  Ms. Lirenman told us (and them) that when we get into the province of Saskatchewan we would let them know so that they could look out for us.  Of course we aren't really running to Saskatchewan but all the grade ones are adding their travel distance together so as a whole group, when we add our 1.2 km together over and over again we will get to, and past Saskatchewan.  We'll be sure to let Mrs. Cassidy's class know when we get there.

Ms. Lirenman was also telling us that on Monday we have another Skype call to look forward to as we get set to take part in the Global Read Aloud.  While September is coming to a close we have a lot of exciting things on the agenda for October.

Have you ever skyped with another class in a different part of the world?  What special things did you share with your far away friends?


  1. My class was quite excited that your students would be running through Moose Jaw, and disappointed that they wouldn't actually be there. We must Skype again soon!

  2. Yes we must skype soon. From Lucas on behalf of Division 18


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