Saturday, 1 December 2012

Creating our KidBlog Avatars

On Friday after our google hangout with Mrs. Sarchet, Mrs. Leech, Mrs. Atkinson, and Mrs. Morrison's grade one or grade one/two classes Ms. Lirenman suggested that we make avatars for our individual student blogs.  Here are some of the ones we created.  If you want to see others please check out our individual blogs.


  1. I like your avatars! How did you create them and how were you able to put them on your kidblogs? My class would love to create their own avatars. Very cool. I like how they are all different and unique.

    1. We went to Draw and Tell on the iPad. We drew ourselves there. Then we saved our photos to the camera roll. Dropbox took our photos from the camera roll and Ms. Lirenman added them from Dropbox to our blogs. Some of us forgot to put our on our pictures so Ms. Lirenman still has to find out who they belong to.

  2. Wow Division 18!!!! I love your art work. I really like it that you have your pictures beside your names now. It looks like you had alot of fun creating them.

    Ms. Gill


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