Wednesday 19 December 2012

Meeting our Google Hang Out Friends

Yesterday we went on a field trip to Sullivan Elementary school.  Since October we have  been working closely with  Sullivan students in Mrs. Leech, and Mrs. Sarchet's classes as part of the Global Read Aloud project.  We have had many google hangouts with them (and Mrs. Wideen's class in Ontario) but we've never met them face to face, in person.  Yesterday we changed that.

For the past few weeks we've been  involved with an adventure with two little gingerbread stuffies - Gingerbread Candy, and Gingerbread Sandy.  They belong to Mrs. Leech and Mrs. Sarchet and their students.  Those little stuffies got themselves into a lot of trouble. First they caused havoc at Sullivan Elementary.  Then they showed up at Pacific Heights Elementary.  Next they snuck away from there and showed up at our school, Bonaccord Elementary.  They escaped from us and ended up at MB Sanford Elementary. Finally they returned safely to Sullivan Elementary.

Yesterday some of the classes involved with this adventure met up at Sullivan Elementary. These classes included our class, Mrs. Morrison's class from Bonaccord, Mrs. Fadum's class from Pacific Heights, and of course our host school classes Mrs. Sarchet, and Mrs. Leech.

At first we were worried we wouldn't be able to go because of our snow, but thankfully the roads cleared up nicely. With our wonderful parent volunteer drivers able to brave the elements we arrived safely at Sullivan Elementary.  Immediately we were greeted by wonderful welcome signs. Once we were all settled in the gym we all got to see that Gingerbread Candy, and Gingerbread Sandy were safe.  What a relief. 

Then we were broken into five multi class groups.  This is where the fun began. There were five rotations to take part in. The first two were in the gym where we played musical hula hoops, and guess the winning hoop colour.  There were also activities in the library, a craft in a classroom, and time on the iPads.

The multi class groups allowed us to talk to the different children we had met through the computer.  

Unfortunately our time was short so we didn't get a chance to get to every rotation. It did however leave us wanting to meet again soon.

On the ride home Ms. Lirenman loved listening to two of us chatting about the adventure.  We kept saying that we  "know" Mrs. Sarchet and Mrs. Leech now.  We liked meeting kids from other schools.

Without e-mail, twitter, or google hang out none of this would have been possible.  As you can imagine we are very thankful that technology is part of our learning.

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