Wednesday 12 December 2012

Sharing our Facts about Amphibians with Mrs. Cassidy's Class via Skype

Today we were really lucky to have the opportunity to Skype with Mrs. Cassidy's class again.  In case you don't remember they live in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.  They, like us, watched the special Discovery Education live feed on Amphibians. They, like us, took a lot of great notes.  So today we got to share with each other what we learned.

We took turns sharing back and forth.  A lot of what we both shared we both knew but some specific facts they shared were facts that we hadn't remembered.

It was really great to learn with them again too.  Learning with others, even if when they live two provinces over, is still a really fun way to learn.

When's the last time you've learned with a far away class?  If you haven't maybe you should try it some time.  It's a very cool way to learn.

1 comment:

  1. We also tried to watch the live Discovery Education Webinar about amphibians. Unfortunately, our feed kept stalling so we weren't able to watch the whole thing. We are hoping to watch it next week. We studied amphibians too! What new information did you learn about amphibians?


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