Sunday 10 June 2012

A Voice Message from Brazil!

Boys and girls our blog has had many visitors this weekend as I try to see if we can get 20,000 hits before our school year is over at the end of the month.  Today we had a visitor named Ms. Kris leave us a voice message.  The cool thing about her message is that she lives in Brazil, South America.  That's a long way away from where we live.  I'm pretty sure you are just as curious as I was to hear her message so here it is.

listen to ‘Voice Mail From Brazil!’ on Audioboo

If any one else is reading this blog post please don't be afraid to leave us voice messages too.  We love them!  Ms. Lirenman is starting to think that maybe we should leave one for you, our visitors.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the voice message. What is the weather like in Brazil? From H in Division 16


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