Monday, 12 November 2012

Addition Math Rotations

This past week we started working on our first set of addition math rotations.  There are five different stations that all look at addition in different ways.  The goal of these rotations is to help us learn the basic concepts behind addition. We use manipulatives such as candy stars, raisins, and counters to explore addition. We also use iPad apps such as Adding Apples, Find Sums, and Pop Math to practice math facts.  In addition we are illustrating our own copy of the book Ten Tiny Ants.  We are looking at addition questions that are written up and down (vertical), and some that are side by side (horizontal). Most of our activities are open ended too so we can choose where we are most comfortable working.  This is the first of several times we will look at addition this year.  Here are some photos of us hard at work.

 Addition Story - Ten Tiny Ants

iPad Drill and Practice

Ice Cream Math

Raisin Bread Math

Hand Math

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