Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Healthy Living - Showing Our Learning Our Own Way

Today between P.E. and music we had 30 minutes to review what we know about what we need for healthy living.  We sat in our weekly community square and came up with a list of things we need to be healthy.  Here's what we came up with.

Then Ms. Lirenman told us that we needed to show her that we knew ways to be healthy and that we could do it any any way we wanted.  We came up with some ways - with iPads using with Doodle Buddy App to draw/write about  healthy things; with iPads using the Show and Tell App to draw/write and speak to our drawings/writing; with iPads to record a podcast using the Audio Boo App; with iPads to use Educreations to make a mini lesson about being healthy; with iPads to interview our friends and create a movie about being healthy; and of course using felt pens and paper to draw ways to be healthy.

Here are some of us preparing to show ways we know how to be healthy.

You'll have to check out some of these blog  links to see how they turned out.

What do you do to live a healthy life? We'd love to know.


  1. I loved reading all your ideas on how to stay healthy. I try to eat lots of fruit and vegetables, drink lots of water and get some exercise every day. At our school we have a school wide fitness time. Everybody in the whole school exercises at the same time for 15 minutes. We do all kinds of activities . . . Running, yoga, ladders, fitness stations, cup stacking, and lots more. Do you have fitness break at your school?

  2. Steven wants you to know that we have Fit Kids. We use skipping ropes during Fit Kids. We do push ups during Fit Kids. We do exercise during Fit Kids. Roc wants you to know that we don't have a fitness break. Lucas wants you to know that we have gym in the gym three times a week and we do Run Across Canada two times a week. We are healthy too. Thank you for leaving us a comment. We love comments.


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