Tuesday, 27 November 2012

The Oops Game

Today during word work time we did not have access to iPads so we chose other ways to do our word work.  One of us started playing the Oops Game and soon most of the class joined in.  If you've never played the Opps Game before here is how we play.

Each week two copies of  our word wall words are added to the oops bag.  We also add two copies of a card that says "oops".   To  play the game each person has to draw, one at a time, three cards from the bag.  As he/she pulls out a card he/she has to read it in order to keep it.  So if he/she reads each card drawn, then they get to keep them and if he/she can't read them they have to ask a friend to read them for them.  If a friend has to help the person  read the words on the cards the cards go back into the bag and no one gets to keep them.   However, if he/she draws a card that says "oops" his/her turn is over right away and he/she has to put back any cards they've read that turn back into the bag and pass the bag to the next person.

Here are some photos of us playing the game today too.


  1. I love hearing about you games! Sounds like a fun way to reconfirm you reading skills. I think my students would like this game!

    1. Jeevan wants to know if you played the Oops game with your class because he likes to play it every day with his friends.


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