Friday, 9 November 2012

We Are Bloggers!

Ms. Lirenman is very impressed with us right now because we really love to blog, even in our own time.  So far almost every night, including weekends, some one in our class has blogged from home. Many nights it is three to five children and not usually the same children.  Sometimes we are getting help from our families (even though we need to tell them that we are suppose to do it on our own) and sometimes we are doing the writing all by ourselves.  Ms. Lirenman keeps telling us that it makes her smile right down to her heart when we blog from home.  She loves that we are self motivated to write all by ourselves.  We really do like to blog.

If you haven't checked our our blogs lately we think you should.  You'll be impressed by what we are writing and that some of us are even commenting on each others blogs.  We are trying to work on telling our story in words (and pictures too). We are working hard to remember to spell our word wall words correctly, to put capital letters in the right places, and to add punctuation marks.  It's still a work in progress for many of us but we know you'll be impressed by how much we continue to improve as the year goes on.

Here are a few samples of blogs we've written.

If you want to see all of our blogs you can find them here, or click the tab at the top of the page that says Individual Student Blogs.  We love it when people read our writing, and love it even more when the leave us comments.

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