Saturday, 8 December 2012

Skyping with Mrs. Fisher's Class

On Friday we finally met Mrs. Fisher's grade two class from Flin Flon, Manitoba.  In case you're wondering who they are this is the class that we made the voice thread for our Charlotte's Web Global Read aloud.  You can find the blog about it here.

We learned many interesting things about their class. We found out that they have SNOW and that once a week they get to slide down the hill on their school grounds. We learned that most of the go home for lunch and that while their lunch time is much longer than ours (over twice as long) they stay at school a lot longer than we do too.

As always it's great to learn from different people around the world.  It was also nice to finally meet some people from Manitoba.

Here are some photos from our skype Friday morning.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for Skyping with us! It was fantastic. We really enjoyed our Global Read Aloud.


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