Tuesday 24 January 2012

Our First Class Storybird.

Ms. Lirenman is really excited to see that Marcus completed his first Storybird.  I hope he's excited to see it on our class blog too.  We are really proud of you Marcus.

the evil scientist by Div16Marcus on Storybird


  1. Great job, Marcus! I loved your story! Reading it reminded me of some of the stories your brother used to write in my grade two class last year. Keep up the good work.
    Mrs. Morrison

  2. Thank you Mrs. Morrison, my brother liked being in your class. From Marcus

  3. Arman from CIndrch div 183 February 2012 at 13:37

    Hi ms lineman I like it how u talk about the students and how hard they work and I no how much work it is to write everything

    N. Thank u
    Arman from div16

  4. Anjali from Cindrich div 183 February 2012 at 13:39

    Hi Ms.Lirenman I love the way how you talk about your students and how hard they work.I can't believe that your students learned to use the ipad from the students of Cindrich Elementary.I hope that you continue to use the iPad in your class.


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