Friday, 8 June 2012


Did you notice that Ms. Lirenman added the Wonderopolis widget to the right side of our class blog? Go look if you haven't seen it but come right back.  Now that you have noticed it you are probably wondering why?

While learning with friends (yes Ms. Lirenman spends a lot of time learning new things too) she was introduced to the Wonderopolis website.  Each day Wonderoplis puts up a question to get us wondering.  The questions cover all different topic areas.

Today's question was "Where is the Hottest Place on Earth?" Immediately we had some ideas but first we had to close our eyes and really think about the question.  Then we shared our thinking by turning and talking to our friends.  Ms. Lirenman noticed a common theme as most of us thought the desert was the hottest place on earth.

The cool thing about Wonderopolis is that they answer all the questions that they ask. If you click on the question of the day you are taken to their website, and more specifically to the answer.   Today we were really curious and had to check the web site to get the "real" answer.   As you can imagine  we were super excited to see that a desert is the hottest place on the earth.  But what was even better is that we were able to watch a little video and learn even more about which desert in particular.  If you are interested you can watch the video too by following this link.

After we watched the video we wondered some more and just had to ask the Wonderopolis people, so we did.  And guess what, they answered our question.

Wondering is wonderful and we need to do it every single day.  What are you wondering about?


  1. I am also a big fan of Wonderopolis! I really liked this part of your blog post: "Immediately we had some ideas but first we had to close our eyes and really think about the question. Then we shared our thinking by turning and talking to our friends." What a great way to make wondering personal for everyone! Did you know that you can search back through the past Wonders of the Day?

  2. Way to go, Wonderers! Do you know that wonderers change the world? They do! Just think of Albert Einstein. He used to get in trouble in school because he was always wondering.

    I wonder how to best prune my tomatoes to make the best crop I can.
    I also wonder about the French Revolution and how the American Revolution influenced the French people.
    And today I wonder if your blog will get 20,000 visitors before you go on summer break. I think yes! Good luck!

    Mrs. Krebs

  3. I'm wondering how many hits you'll have by June 28th, due to the power of Twitter! Good luck, and have fun wondering! @joykirr

  4. Wow--thanks for sharing this, can't wait to check out the site!


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