Monday, 22 October 2012

Bean Bag Skills with Mrs. Morrison's Class

In gym the past two weeks we have been exploring bean bags and all the things we can do with them. We balanced them on our bodies, we picked them up with our feet, we hopped with them between our legs, we threw them at a target, and we threw and caught them in a variety of ways.  We did a whole lot of other things with them too.

Here are a few photos of us learning with bean bags in the gym.

Here is a quick video of us throwing our bean bags to one another from the starting position of lying on our backs.  Do you notice how well we work with Mrs. Morrison's class?  We are very thankful to have gym with her class too because they are really nice and  we get an extra gym class every week because we share.  We REALLY like being in the gym three days a week instead of two.

What are you learning about in PE right now?


  1. It looks like you had a lot of fun with the bean bags.

    1. We did have fun. From Sarah on behalf of Division 18.

  2. Wow, you all seem to be really enjoying PE and you are doing so well at throwing and catching those bean bags.

    What do you like the most about PE?

    At the moment our indoor PE sessions are focusing on dance where we are creating a dance to perform in front of our parents at Christmas.

    Class 2RB
    St Michael's Primary CofE

  3. Nicky likes playing with balls best about PE. Elma likes throwing beanbags the best about PE. Hannah, Sukhleen, and Roc like the monkey bars best about PE. Recardo likes the equipment we use in PE. Lucas and Jeevan like playing hockey in PE. Maryam likes the skipping rope best about PE.

    Can you show us your dance when it's ready?

    From Division 18


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