Friday, 26 October 2012

Guess the Costume

Today during Free Choice Friday Nicky and Maryam put together a movie called Guess the Costume.  With a little direction from Ms. Lirenman they filmed those students that wanted to be in the movie and created their own opening scene. Then they put their movie clips together in iMovie, and chose their music.  Here is their movie producing debut.

Not bad for a couple of grade one students.

Now can you guess what everyone in the movie will be for Halloween?


  1. What a great movie! I think I saw a ballerina, a pirate or Darth Vader, karate, a dancer, Batman, and maybe a fairy. Am I close? I like the young actors and photographers!

    1. Thank you for the comment. Some of your guess are right and some of them aren't. Maybe your class can act out their halloween costumes too. From Division 18

  2. What a fantastic video Nicky and Maryam you are very clever.

    1. Thank you. Maryam and I had a lot of fun making the movie and we might make some more. From Nicky


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