Monday, 1 October 2012

What are we up to in math?

 Right now in math we are working on something that is a lot of fun  Even though each group is doing something different if you look closely we are all learning similar math content.  Can you guess what we are learning about?

Can you see some of us reproducing repeating patterns?
Can you see some of us extendind patterns?
Can you see some of us create repeating patterns?

What do you think we are learning about in math?


  1. Wow, we can really see you are all working really hard on your patterns.

    Your drawings of them really show your understanding and enjoyment of this activity.

    Well done Division 18 from all of Class 2RB

    St Michaels' CofE Primary School

    1. Wow, you visited us from ENGLAND! We are going to look on a map to see where you live. You are also right. We are working on patterns and patterning. From Division 18

  2. We think you are learning about patterns! It took us a while but we figured out all of them! They were hard especially the red, yellow, green, red, yellow. We also think you are making art with shapes!

  3. You were write about what we are learning in math. For one of the stations we have to make a picture using pattern blocks and then copy the picture using paper that looks just like our pattern blocks. Do you know how to make patterns? From Lucas and Division 18

  4. We are First Graders in Portland, Oregon. We think you are making patterns with shapes. You are doing great. We loved the pictures.
    Love, Mrs. Langhus' Class

    1. Thank you. We like your comment. We like making our pictures too. From Ali in Division 18

  5. Yes! we know how to make patterns. We also know that patterns are everywhere! Here is one: red, blue, red, blue or the seasons are patterns: fall, winter, spring, summer

    1. That's awesome. I like your seasons pattern. From Maryam

  6. Faith thinks it looks like you are making patterns. She wants to try some of these math stations.

    1. You should try them. They are a lot of fun. From Kylie

  7. We are First Graders in Portland Oregon. We think you are making patterns with shapes. You are doing great!

  8. Thank you for the comment. You are right. we are making patterns. Where is Portland Oregon? From Lucas in Division 18


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