Thursday, 4 October 2012

Community Read has Begun!

This morning we had our first community read.  In our class community read is when our families are invited into the classroom to read with us.  It takes place first thing in the morning until 9:00 am at which time we get on with our day, and our families get on with theirs.

Today was a huge success with many families able to join us.  For those that weren't we managed to partner ourselves up, share some one else's family, or read on the computer by choice.  Overall it was a really great way to start our morning.

Here's a little video of what our room looked like this morning. (Ms. Lirenman apologizes for filming it up and down and next time she hopes to remember to film it the proper way so there aren't black lines on the side).

Here are some photos from this morning.


  1. What a great way to start the day! I love the idea of including the parents in your program in a non threatening way. Thank you for sharing, I will let you know how it goes in my room when I get it going.

    1. Mrs. Wideen, we really loved our first community read. It is an easy way to include our parents in our school work. We think you will like it too.

  2. Can I bring my mommy to school too? asked the Kindergartens. This is a fantastic way to welcome the parents into the classroom. We might have to try this!

  3. It was alot of fun to be able to join the kids in the classroom. I look forward to more community reads!

    Sarah's mommy


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